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The Outsider

An unrelenting force, who wanders the world in a seemingly aimless quest. Little is known or remembered about this particular soul. Perhaps he serves a greater motivation.

The original horror-killer, he had taken lead to purge the world of the evil that encompassed it, with a brigade of like minded heroes they charged the root of darkness, he being the sole survivor. His once idealistic heroism had turned to nihilism and the world had taken yet more victims.

He loathes dicussions about his family, although he loathes discussions overall. At camp he is often seen wordlessly evaluating the decaying world surrounding him. Nobody is quite sure of what thoughts and emotions circulate his mind. Acceptance? Hate? Maybe nothing at all, as his thoughts come to a close. A new day is born, and with it, new horrors await his wasted mind.

The Surgeon

A specimen who refuses to grasp the certainty of death and aims to challenge even the most dire of circumstances of which might befall in doing so, maybe he can repent for what he has sacrificed in the process.

At a young age they had forsaken the most joyous benevolence, that was generally to be expected at that age. Instead they valued himself in their studies, the accumulation of knowledge, to be admired and distributed to those he viewed as worthy of his work. However everytime this memory floods back to them, a horrible cold sensation makes its way throughout their body, knowing that if the opportunity had presented itself to themselves, would they have killed the Little One as well in an attmept to cure all. Only to bring about the end of the world?

The Necromancer

Once a clergyman of considerable acclaim, now he has been branded traitor for crimes of infidelity and unfaithlessness. Enraged against the church he took it upon himself to forsake all sancitity of the new world, and reanimate the corpses strung about these accursed lands.

Despite the talk of the church being of forgiveness and sanctuary against these trembling times, he was cast out of no fault of his own. Now he has nothing left, except anger against those he once worshipped, and to challenge an army. You need an army of your own. So he practiced the art of necromancy, a long forgotten school of otherworldly power derived from the powers held by Lords long ago. As the strange sensation coursed through his veins as he spoke to the dead, only one thought remained, Authority and the power to wield it.

The Fool

Once a noble's slave, starved of his freedom and autonomy. Forced to eat the skin off rats to satiate his hunger. As he felt the strain against his chains he begged a higher being to hear his pleas, to grant him the freedom he once had. With a heavenly thunder echoing throughout the still chasm. he had gained his freedom, just to find inhumane creatures tormenting the world once inhabited.

He was a bard before his capture, spewing songs and capturing hearts.

The Bartender

Grew up in a quaint village, that would soon be prey to a werewolf. A happy carefree life awaited him had fate and horror not crept in. A blood moon swept the sky as the God's mourned their loss, an unseen lycanthrope spilled the town red. The young boy mourned the loss of his family, his friends, his identity, he vowed he would live for them, build his own life. And carry their memory with him, til the end of his days.

He awakes now, free of the nightmares that haunt his dreams, the shrieks, the terror that enveloped his home. He stands to find a hand at his side, and remembers what he lives for now. His new family.

The Pyro

A distopian feeling lingers in the air, the smell of gasoline, and a violent urge to maim and cleave through every unsuspecting prey, the valve tiks as slow, heavy footsteps march though the sea of corpses. The air is heavy, with the must of smoke and pressure vacating the surrounding environs, driving out the needy, the desperate, the delicious. As they lick their lips, and take a deep breath in, they begin the slaughter.

The Engineer

The Pale Court

The pale court was my idea for a secondary plotline in the game. Similar to how dlcs just add more to the game. Following a higher society of faceless, they are plotting to bring a new dawn to humanity by experimenting with living flesh and other horrors, perceiving the outer gods' wrath as the new evolution of humanity, they take unwilling subjects and experiment on them, all whilst hosting their own brand cruelty. Fear the old ones.

The Castle of Crimson

The castle of crimson was my idea for a secondary plotline in the game. Similar to how dlcs just add more to the game. Following a family of vampires stalking the land and terrifying locals. Unfamiliar allies included, and perhaps the opportunity to expand your arsenal of abilities in new ways. Long Live king Vakolv!